Who is OPEF?

Oak Park Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides crucial financial support to all of the Oak Park Schools , filling the gap between state funding and the per-pupil cost of educating our kids. The Oak Park Education Foundation’s (OPEF) goal, as parents and community members alike, is to help enhance the programming support for our school district by sourcing private funds. Our Oak Park schools are in the top 1% in California and among the best in the nation. Much of this is attributable to our engaged and supportive parents and community.

About OPEF

Oak Park’s high standard of living results in our schools receiving one of the lowest per pupil rates in California–853 out of 946 districts. While state funding pays for the basics, it does not pay for programs that ensure educational excellence and give our students the most competitive edge in a future job market and in life.

Why help OPEF?

Funding for California public schools experienced a significant shift in 2013, when the state implemented the Local Control Funding Formula, disqualifying Oak Park Schools from the same levels of funding once available before. Like other districts with exceptional public schools, they maintain the high quality of their schools by investing in them.

Philanthropy is the single revenue source for which we have total control and is essential to the success of our District. To preserve Oak Park’s small class sizes, innovative academics, career enrichment programs and safe and secure campus environments, we are asking parents and stakeholders to consider a generous philanthropic investment in our educational foundation.

To remain a district in the top 1%, we all need to pull together! Giving to our local schools stays right here in the community in which you live, and education is one of the best investments you can make. Please make a gift today!

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